FaceBook Live… this World Mental Health Day 10th October, on mental health issues in patients with Rare blood Disorders like Haemophilia

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As part of our initiative to create Social Awareness about psychological Challenges faced by Persons With Hemophilia and their Care Givers .

On this World Mental Health Day as part of our initiative on creating Social Awareness regarding Psychological Challenges faced by the Persons with Hemophilia and their Care Givers, we are organising a Facebook Live where Panel of Experts, Professor Naresh Gupta, Network Coordinator for Heamophilia along with Clinical Psychologist Ms. Farha Rajput and Social Counsellor Ms. Shikha Rawat will discuss various issues affecting Mental Health of People With Hemophilia (& other rare disorders) and their Care Givers.

Date & Time:

10 October 2018,      10 AM to 12 Noon

If anyone you know suffers from any Rare Disorder Disease and who may like to share his/her concerns on psychological aspects with our Panelists for potential Solutions may Click Here 

Best Wishes!

Else Click/ Copy & Paste following link:

<a href= https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdYO39g7VUqdwzjIU-1JJa9kM4LhUNFLA0B5sEQXK-zV8K4VQ/viewform?usp=slink </a>

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